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Yoga as a tool for weight loss

 Carrying extra weight is more commonplace than uncommon in today's society. People's diets are getting more processed and fatty, their lifestyles are becoming more sedentary, and the amount of calories, chemicals, and preservatives in their food is rising.

yoga : photo

 Children would rather watch television than play with their peers, which may be a direct result of parents who would rather watch television than socialize or simply spend time with their kids. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the social shift towards a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle that is causing an increase in obesity.

 Yoga is a practice that improves general body strength and flexibility as well as the health of the hormonal, circulatory, and digestive systems. Additionally, it helps us reduce mental stress and achieve mental calmness and clarity. Additionally, the practice of yoga has powerful spiritual advantages that will make you happier and more at ease with who you are, all of which contribute to emotional stability. In a physical approach to weight loss, this mental component is sometimes underestimated, but it is crucial and shouldn't be disregarded. People who yo-yo diet (rapidly lose and gain weight) frequently struggle with the so-called "comfort food" problem; but, by being content with your appearance and overall well-being, you can lessen your desire for this.

 Yoga is centered on controlled, deep breathing, which increases our intake of oxygen. This enables oxygen to reach our body's fat cells and aid in their digestion. Given the advantages, why don't more individuals practice yoga, one must wonder?

 Many individuals believe that yoga is a passive or mystical practice reserved for hippies, not them. This is unfortunate because yoga enhances both our physical and mental wellness. However, only around 2% of Americans are aware of its numerous advantages, despite the fact that it is widely practiced in Eastern populations.

 Yoga takes into account all the factors that cause obesity, including the mental and spiritual causes as well as the physical ones. Regular yoga practice helps the body return to its ideal weight while also improving strength, flexibility, and stamina. It is not just relaxing. People who practice yoga regularly tend to become lean, agile, and effective in everything they do. Additionally, yoga is appropriate for people of all ages.

 In 1969, Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini, a more vigorous type of yoga, to the United States. It is a more energetic style of yoga that combines various breathing, meditation, and movement techniques to make up for the fact that the American public has been conditioned to associate exercise with the need to perspire.

 Yoga can help people avoid between-meal snacks by strengthening their willpower. Yoga practices can be used to control impulses like what we think of as hunger between meals (if you eat proper meals you cannot be hungry between them - merely bored or restless).

 Yoga is not just a way to lose weight; it is also a way to bring our bodies back into balance and become closer to our original state. This has an intriguing weight-related effect. Yes, doing yoga regularly will help us lose weight if we are overweight. But when we are at our ideal weight, we won't lose weight, and when we are underweight, we will put on weight until we reach our physiologically perfect size.

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