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When People Don't Like Your Blog

When People Don't Like Your Blog

When People Don't Like Your Blog
When People Don't Like Your Blog : photo ilustration

 All bloggers risk encountering circumstances where others disapprove of their blog, regardless of the subject matter of their blogs. Although this kind of response is common with blogs that cover political or contentious topics, personal bloggers may also encounter criticism from those who disagree with their life decisions. This article will touch upon situations in which blogging can result in legal issues for the blogger and cover topics like handling critical comments from friends and family members and dealing with negative comments on a blog.

How to Handle Criticism on Your Blog

 One of the most frequent ways a blog may come under fire are negative comments that are made on it. These remarks may be made in opposition to a particular blog post or as a general criticism of the blog. Although the blogger may find these unfavorable comments to be very upsetting, there are ways to handle them.

 There are a few options available to bloggers who are worried that unfavorable comments might affect other blog readers. Setting the blog to not allow comments is one way to achieve this. Effectively, this will remove the comments, but it will also remove comments from blog supporters. A blogger also has the option of simply deleting the unfavorable remarks as they are discovered. Because other readers might have time to read the comments before they are deleted, this tactic is not very effective. This technique can be used by bloggers who are active online and aren't concerned about unfavorable remarks appearing on the blog for a short while. Another strategy for handling critical comments is to respond to them on the blog. Finally, bloggers frequently have the option to prevent commenters who are posting unfavorable remarks from doing so in the future.

How to Respond to Criticism from Friends and Family

 Bloggers might also receive feedback on their blogs' content from friends and family members. Friends and family members may voice their concerns directly to the blogger in person, over the phone, or by email rather than using the comment section to do so. For bloggers, this can be a challenging situation because they may be torn between upholding their vision for the blog and maintaining good relations with their friends and family. Friends and family members frequently object to blogs because they think the blogger could get hurt by them or because they worry about how the blog will make them look. The blogger has the choice to speak to friends and family members to express his feelings without making changes to the blog in these delicate situations, delete or modify the blog, or do both.

When Blogging May Result in Legal Issues

 Bloggers need to be aware that there are some circumstances where their blog may result in legal issues. Making false and defamatory statements about another person may result in the target of the blog seeking retribution for libel. There are numerous additional factors that can lead to the conclusion that other blog postings are unlawful. Bloggers may believe that the laws governing free speech fully protect them, but there may be circumstances in which this is not the case and the blogger may be held legally responsible for his postings. Legal issues can also result from blogging that violates another party's copyright laws.

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